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Branding + Design

So you have come up with this absolute cracker of an idea for a brand - awesome! But you have no idea on how to start making it into a reality. Well have no fear because here are a few ways to navigate your light bulb moment towards a fully formed thing.

Note it down!

Whether it is in a little ideas notebook you carry around, a napkin or even the back of your hand - scribble, jot and doodle all that you can when lightening strikes. It doesn’t have to be neat but it should be legible for you to read back when you return to it to expand on your ideas.

Core Values!

Before you get to the naming process or creating a boss logo, think about what it is your brand stands for. What is important and how do you want it to come across to the public?

Understanding and creating the foundations of a new brand with core values will help with not only the way you communicate with an audience but also with the design process of choosing art styles, fonts and colours (find out more on colour choices in our ‘Colour Choices & Modes’ blog post).

Who/What is it for?

Just as important as the core values, you also need to know who or what your brand is for. Who would get the most benefit out of your service or product and why? Knowing your audience is important to help you know how to communicate with them.

Deep Dive

So you now know the Whos, Whats and Whys of you brand, now it is time to dig a little deeper. Knowledge is power, right? So research the background of your product/service, the audience/users, locations, competitors, everything and anything that could influence and add a little extra flare or helping hand in building your brand.

Lets Get Creative!

Now its time to get all of that information you have collected and craft it into your designs. Try it all! Experiment with different fonts that link with the history. Work on a variety of art styles and imagery. Do you want your design to be minimal or photographic? - Try them both. Now is not the time to narrow your ideas, it is time to get them all out there on paper or screen and see what you like and how you feel about each of them.

Make your Choice

You have created, crafted and designed as much as you can - but you can’t use it all.

Now for the tricky bit - decisions, decisions.

Choose what you want to run with and don’t worry, you’re not going to make the wrong decision.

Have fun - this is exciting!

Fine Tune

You have selected your path, now you can tweak and develop to your heart’s content.

Don’t forget to set your designs up with the correct colour modes for the different platforms you plan to use, whether that is on screen for a website, social media etc. (RGB) or for printed mediums (CMYK).

Crack On!

Now you have a fully formed brand complete with a stand out logo, appropriate language and tone for your audience and a strong foundation of values - Congrats!

You can now expand and spread your product/service and brand with the use of different platforms.

A great way to reach out to your audience with a personal touch is through print.

Whether you need brochures or flyers to post to potential clients, banners or posters to promote on a larger scale, or expand into personalised merchandise for existing clients - There are numerous ways you can use print to boost your brand.

If you need any help with your artwork and printing needs give us a call or email.

Have fun with your ideas!


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